Today has been a pretty good start for an extra hopeful week.
I had just closed my laptop, ready to go to bed when I took a breath and felt this unusual sort of calm. It’s Sunday and I’m not worrying about the week or even just tomorrow. Today’s far from perfect but I didn’t seem to mind.
I don’t know why. It just feels okay, at least now at the end of the day as I look back at the days that have passed and into the coming ones. I don’t know what’s ahead except for a general idea of what I would be doing based on what I have already been doing. And it all feels fine–right perhaps is the more accurate word. Right where I’m supposed to be at the moment and fully aware that this is not for-ever. Right now, it’s more than good enough–perhaps it’s grace.
Whatever needs movement is in motion; whatever needs stillness has it.
I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I don’t really want to know anymore. I think I just want to live it.
Perhaps this is the gift.