a letter and hope

A letter from a past self to the current future:

there are a million–countless–stars above you
shining and you’ll never know
whether they are still aglow
or perhaps have collapsed
in some lifetimes elapsed
stars whose colours are now black holes;
there are bright city lights under your feet
blues, violets, oranges, and pinks
illuminations of all sorts, rainbows varying,
yet you’ll never know
if the people behind those coloured glasses
are as bright as the lights they shadow
or have the lights they possess died
working but dimmed
you’ll never know
and there are many things this applies to
but you’ll never know everything
and it’s a sad, exhausting, deadly world
on you, a burden that perhaps
none will ever fully comprehend
but you can always try
to know something
to see this world with a different pair of eyes
or change it
and as you do
may you burn
like the stars, like the dangerous city lights
with passion
His love
His grace
and may you remember who you are