I am closing my eyes
as the gentle up-and-down of this music
carry me through the faint tangibility of my soul
I’ve turned back to the music, the mysticism of art
as my tears have now started to fall
and I risk drowning in my nature
I am silent, stuck and shaking, nervous
as is the room resonating the noises my mind
the beating of my heart
I’ve yet to understand all of these
as I have, as well, yet to try
to escape my own fears of touching water
I am a being of water, much more than sleepless night
as the morning drink flows through my veins so do life
some semblance of being and being with
I’ve yet to step into this wave fully, eyes closed
as I take one foot over the edge, calculating the other
the winds of music is working with gravity
I am going to open my eyes, sure
as the day turns to night without warning
and the sun stealing nightmares and dreams daily
I’ve turned around to hear the music better
as my weary soul longs for its respite
the risk persists until the drowning
featured painting: 꿈처럼 추억들 (gyurithegreat, April 2021)