
She sees her hand and takes it but
it slips through, it vanishes in the air; it is gone yet
it is there: untouchable, immaterial.
Neither does her smile exist—it has no shine
the lights behind her eyes, are nothing
and she wonders: where had It gone?
Has It always Not Been There?
The many years of these two souls walking
side by side in darkened alleys
do not feel like memories, in her eyes they look like
the present—as in multiple days stacked in one
Why does she keep smiling that empty smile? she asks,
towards me? Why?
Every flash is a heavy burden on the other’s chest
or maybe the other just could not sense
at all, seeing through the tinted lenses everything
would not be clear weather, clearer still—
Stop, stop, stop—
None of this is true—
Two souls may have crossed paths at some point or larger
but no… longer.
Mountains are walls opaque and impenetrable.