Things to do

Have I been unconsciously making things harder for myself in this going against my Judging nature? Is this not naturemy nature—that I write things as a list and follow through them in well-constructed cycles? That I take three or more moments contemplating whether a system is in its best possible form before I do any sort of testing on it?

Balance. Perhaps now is the time for a re-balancing.

Perhaps instead of always thinking of what I might do or if this thing and that other thing is right or wrong, I ought to simply do the thing and see, especially if I am at the moment inclined to do so. Just because I write something down as a list of things to do doesn’t mean I would do all of them for sure. Writing in itself is a different sort of doing.

What would these things be then? If they are not things-to-do nor things-to-become, then what? Practises? Methods of Being? Maybe it isn’t that there is one way to bracket all of them but that in each sort of action, there is the truth.

Ah, action. I have a reading on that. Action as the fulfilment of being.

Action and non-action—where, or what, is the balance of these? If action is the self-fulfilment of being as such means the transmutation of potential to actual, then what of non-action? If non-action is the flowing of and with nature, letting the perfection of the Perfect itself be, then what of action?

I must learn from nature.

Journal entry from sometime in March 2020, 오후 10:55